Top Daily-Wear Zweithaar Produkte

Top daily wear second hair products

Our best Walker products for everyday wig wearers

Wearers of hair extensions or wigs can have different needs. Some wear their hair systems for weeks before needing reattachment. Others remove their hair system at the end of the day and replace the tapes every morning.

The problem this second group faces is that most hairpiece adhesives are designed for long-term use. So what options do you have when you take off your spare hair every day?

Luckily Walker Tape has that option covered too. There are several different tapes, adhesives and accessories available for everyday use. Here we would like to introduce you to Walker Tape's most popular daily wear products.

Our top Walker products for everyday use

1522 Clear Tape

If you are looking for a tape for everyday use, this is it 1522 Clear tape just right for you. It's our most popular tape for everyday use, and for good reason. It is gentle on the skin and leaves little residue, making clean-up a breeze.

However, it should be noted that it is shiny. So if you have a mesh system, you might want to consider a different tape.

Here are some things to know about that 1522 Clear tape should know:

  • It works best on poly systems
  • Double-sided and strong adhesive strips
  • It is similar to the Top Stick

Max hold sport

Putting on and taking off hair systems on a daily basis can be tough on both the skin and the system. If you want to use daily-wear products, the Max Hold action accelerator an excellent choice.

The  Max hold sport is our favorite scalp protection product. It is designed to create a barrier between the skin, hair system and adhesive. This helps protect the scalp and hair system from the stress of constant use.

These Walker Tape products have a reliable hold and can be removed just as quickly and easily with the Fidentia tape and bonding remover solve again.